Robert A. Wade Art Wisdom

by Kathleen Huebener in Quote for the Day

The artist within me has been influenced greatly by the artist Robert A. Wade who said:

                      See with your brain.

                      Feel with your eyes.

                      Interpret with your heart.


I am an artist, a creator, an author, a poet, and a composer. When I was beginning to paint, with all the techniques, art elements, and art principles to learn, calculated analytical scenes were the norm. Now when I paint, there is a deeper emotional element involved.


When I am hiking, canvassing for ideas, like Robert A. Wade, I first see with my brain, and then feel with my eyes. If a location emits a strong artistic attraction, something that grabs my immediate attention, I ask myself the emotional question “why?” Is it exciting or saddening, perplexing or calming? Does it make a life statement?


Once I recognize it, I investigate visually: light contrasts, subdued tonal values, color relationships, shapes, the list goes on. This true artistic nutriment creates a great feast!

And this is just the beginning. I am working on a painting right now called “Old Timer.” To begin, I followed all the above Wade advice. Oh my, Painting is so exhilarating, mind expanding, and vital!


To you artists who are reading this, remember Robert A. Wade’s words of wisdom:

                      See with your brain.

                      Feel with your eyes.

                      Interpret with your heart.


You won’t regret it.