Creative Artists Spring Art Show

by Kathleen Huebener in Works in Progress

Hey Art Lovers, take time to visit the Creative Artists Spring Show & Sale
on Saturday, April 30, 2011 
Hiawatha Community Center in Hiawatha, Iowa.
The Art Show runs from
9:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
In addition, there is no entrance fee.

Throughout the day, Creative Artists will be giving away
an enormous amount of art door prizes at no cost to those entering.
It is an exciting and fun-filled event both for the visitors and for the artists.  


The twenty artists exhibiting represent a wide assortment of mediums. Creative Artists will also sponsor a showcase presentation by colored pencil artist, John Decker. John creates both fanciful and realistic scenes, which are a hit with all ages. He will be also presenting demonstrations of his colored pencil and ink work techniques.

Creative Artists Spring Show & Sale Directors:
Sue Biederman and Suzanne Schmidt.
Artist Ruth Janey is the Official Greeter and Door Prize Coordinator. 

Helen Hunter is the President of Creative Artists.

Creative Artists Exhibitors:

                 Sue Biederman

                 Joan Chadima

                 Joan Cimaglia

                 Deda Happel

                 Helen Hunter

                 Tamara Jensen

                 Velma Kintzel

                 Julia Kulish

                 Noma Lucas

                 Jean Murray

                 Carolyn Oliver

                 Elaine Peyton

                 Diane Rattner

                 Pamela Read

                 Suzanne Schmidt

                 Del Secor

                 Pat Sharp

                 Brenda Taylor

                 Carol Wild 
                 Pat Williams

Enjoy a leisurely day viewing artwork and interacting with talented artists.
Moreover, to purchase original artwork at affordable prices
for home, work, or for gifts is definitely worth looking into at the