Indian Creek, Marion, Iowa

by Kathleen Huebener in Art Inspires Art

Among the treasures of Marion, Iowa is the Boyson Trail that meanders along side Dry Creek and Indian Creek. Rays of the setting sun highlight not only the landscape, but also two bridges, the old railroad bridge and the West 8th bridge.


Indian Creek’s banks, dotted with pale-blue snow, are adorned with tufts of reddish-brown grass, as the creek flows past. Hikers, bicyclists, and even deer use this beloved Marion trail. 

When my children were younger, we used to bike this trail, stopping to sample the free treats along the way, such as wild raspberries, plums, and black berries. On this trail, we explored Marion’s natural springs, which bubbled wondrously into Dry Creek.  We observed wildlife, handled snakes, frogs, and crawdads. One son even caught a small fish in his baseball cap. We learned botany and made plaster casts of animal tracks. My hope is that this painting conveys our love for this trail.