I was impressed then and am still impressed today. These incredibly fast painters each paint a new piece roughly every day and promote their original artwork on this site. There are approximately 150 members at a time, accepted through a jury process.
The monthly fee is $39 and there is no other commission on the artwork. No sales are processed directly through the site. Buyers click on the painting, which brings up information about the artwork and artist. It includes a link to the artist’s blog, contact info, gallery, etc. Prices range low. For instance, one artist Debra Hurd posted a 12”X16” oil on canvas for $159.
Artist Toni Grote is the only Iowan Daily Painter and her location is listed only as rural. When I last visited her blog spot, I observed that the majority of her posted paintings were of sky scenes with the “horizon line composition.” She painted stormy skies with ominous dark clouds of power and lightening; other paintings were of tornados. Toni uses acrylic paint and paints on canvas, textured masonite, and old ceiling tins. The natural veins of the masonite works perfectly with the representation of lightning. Her last piece (sold) was one of a tornado scene around 10“X 10.”
Toni Grote is a successful artist, who has used Ebay as her global “storefront” since 2001. Over the last 4 years, she has posted over 1,000 paintings, selling most of them. Imagine that – 1000 paintings. Now I am not promoting Toni Grote’s art, but her tenacity of painting one painting a day. Is this something feasible for most artists? What would it take to accomplish this? I have given this much thought, as I develop my business plan.
I wonder how long I could keep up this pace of the daily painters without extinguishing the flame within me. When my children were young, I, Super Mom, handled all tasks to keep the family running smoothly…with little sleep, I might add. It was a hectic life style; although enjoyably active. When the children grow up, this fast pace eventually turned from family into community projects and events. Sometimes in my fast schedule, I felt I was meeting myself coming and going, with no indication of which was which. The question that instantly pops up in my mind when I think back is “Do I still need to keep up this pace?”
I guess you can call me a daily painter, who is taking my time.
I value their fast pace of painting but I do not envy them. I wish them the best of luck.