Are you having a rough time? Do you find yourself surrounded by pressures and uncontrollable adversity? “Hang tough” is the usual phrase people say to such times. This is very easy to say, but hard to swallow when it is you who are amidst the intense heat. Perhaps you even feel the breath of utter annihilation breathing down your neck.
Do not give up hope, my Friend. To survive this inferno, trust in God! For only God has the omnipotence to deliver you from the power of the flame. How do you trust in God? Call on His name, through His Son Jesus Christ, and then wait on the LORD. The answer may be gradual or sudden, but He guarantees an answer. *
As I am coming out of yet another inferno, I am witness to God’s ability to deliver us out of any affliction that wrings the human heart. God’s Word is truth.
As you come out of the fire, you will discover you are stronger. You will have also a new awareness about life, for you will feel the presence of the LORD. In other words, you will be blessed!
* Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13