Albert Pinkham Ryder Quote

by Kathleen Huebener in Quote for the Day
“Imitation is not inspiration, and inspiration only can give birth to a work of art.”

                                                                                   Albert Pinkham Ryder


Have you ever viewed a painting that literally took your breath away? Perhaps it was the shapes, the colors, or the drama that made you gasp. Possibly you even thought, “I wish I could paint like that.” If you are an artist, it is quite conceivable that you might begin to emulate the artist who created this dynamic beauty.


There is a danger of copying someone else’s work, and not just in the legal sense. Genuine danger in copying exists; one’s own personal perception is at stake. Everything one creates by emulation becomes counterfeit and skewered. The artist’s ability, flare, and insight dry up and die. Thankfully, this catastrophe can be avoided!


Bottom line: Be inspired but do not copy.