Joan Cimaglia Part 1: Abstracts

by Kathleen Huebener in Art Inspires Art

Joan Cimaglia is one of those people anyone would be proud to call a Friend. I have the utmost respect for this woman. Throughout the years, Joan and I have worked together on many projects. She is what I call “True Blue,” meaning her word is her bond. Whether it is for art events, workshops, or seminars, one can always count on Joan. If Joan Cimaglia says she is going to do something, you can bet your bottom dollar she is going to accomplish it! In addition, she is going to do it to the best of her ability!

This mindset carries on into Joan’s artwork as well. Joan Cimaglia is an excellent artist, in fact, an avid experimenter using various techniques, papers, and tools. As one can observe in her artwork, Joan transfers her inner strength and her colorful character into them.


In the following weeks, I have the honor of presenting fifteen pieces of
Joan Cimaglia’s artwork in “Art Inspires Art.”

  • Joan Cimaglia’s Artwork Part 1 includes this introduction and five paintings that border on the abstract side.
  • Joan Cimaglia’s Artwork Part 2 will include five more paintings.
  • Joan Cimaglia’s Artwork Part 3 will include five of her floral paintings.


             Joan Cimaglia paints in many mediums; however, the paintings
in“Art Inspires Art”will include only her watercolor pieces.


Featured Artist: Joan Cimaglia

Winter Woods


  Caught in the Web
 Winter Forest

Be sure to view “Joan’s Artwork Part 2” next Friday.

Next week’s artwork is a collection of different topics
with some intriguing views of life.

 You will not want to miss it.

Joan Cimaglia

I have been intrigued with art since childhood.
Expressing myself through art is like searching for treasure.
There is that certain tie between subject and imagination that I find exciting and fulfilling. Exploring new methods and ideas often promotes wonderful results
and every now and then, I may end up with a real gem!


Joan Cimaglia, a native of Chicago, Illinois now calls Iowa her home.
She has studied with many
well-known artists and has been honored with awards for her works in watercolor and oils. She is a member of Iowa Artists and a signature member of Iowa Watercolor Society. Joan is currently holding the office of treasurer
in Creative Artists, a local organization in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.