My first observation was the huge American flag at half-mast, flying above the sepulchers at the Oak Shade Cemetery. This cemetery is composed of rolling hills with many tall trees in the midst of the town limits. Oak Shade Cemetery is a place of peace and calm, where one feels close to God. Years ago, with the cemetery curator as a guide, I often would take groups of young people here to learn about the history cataloged within its boundaries. From pioneer families to civil war veterans and up to the present, the city’s history is all here. Today flags cover the slopes to remember the veterans.

At the base of the huge American flag, a veteran said a prayer of remembrance
for those who had died. As he prayed for America’s future, he asked that all Americans,
no matter what age, to be strong and loyal to our country.
no matter what age, to be strong and loyal to our country.

Following the prayer, the American Legion conducted
a rifle salute to honor their fallen comrades.
a rifle salute to honor their fallen comrades.

As the sound of the rifle shots ended echoing throughout the hills, there was a silence.
Surrounded by gravestones, flags, and flowers, thoughts of war, death, hatred, and terrorists permeated my attempt to contemplate peace in such a place as this. These tragic thoughts stifled my respect for the dead with scenes of man’s inhumanity to man.
Then as a fresh breeze, the words of Romans 8:38-39 came to my mind:
“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,
nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,
nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,
shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
To some, God is simply a Supreme Being sitting upon the high clouds of heaven, looking down upon the earth, and going “Ho-Hum” at what He sees. However, to me, God is indeed El Roi (The God Who Sees) and He answers with His Word. For it dawned on me right there in that cemetery, that God, who knows the thoughts of man, read my thoughts and answered me with a confirmation of His love. An indescribable peace filled my heart instantly.
I am convinced that God is alive. He cares about each of us and wants every one to know Him.
In conclusion, this is my personal observation on this Memorial Day 2011:
the reality of life is that, there is only one good constant in the whole scheme of things:
the reality of life is that, there is only one good constant in the whole scheme of things:
God and His love for us!
May you too have this assurance that God loves you so very much
and that nothing can separate you from this love.
and that nothing can separate you from this love.