Joan Cimaglia Part 3: Florals

by Kathleen Huebener in Art Inspires Art
Burst of Spring
Joan’s Pots
Bursting Out
Christmas Flowers
As one can see by her artwork, Joan Cimaglia is enthusiastic about trying new painting techniques and different art materials, such as Unru (Thai rice paper) and Masa paper.
Her “What can I do with this?” curiosity pops in her art as she creates.

Joan Cimaglia is indeed a fearless painter.

I hope you have enjoyed viewing her artwork, as I have.
Thank you, Joan, for sharing your artwork with us.
You are an inspiration to us all.
 Next Friday: “Art Inspires Art” will feature artwork 
by the talented artist Dell B. Magnuson-Secor. Stay tuned.

Joan Cimaglia

I have been intrigued with art since childhood.
Expressing myself through art is like searching for treasure.

There is that certain tie between subject and imagination that I find exciting and fulfilling. Exploring new methods and ideas often promotes wonderful results
and every now and then, I may end up with a real gem!

Joan Cimaglia, a native of Chicago, Illinois now calls Iowa her home.
She has studied with many
well-known artists and has been honored with awards for her works in watercolor and oils. She is a member of Iowa Artists and a signature member of Iowa Watercolor Society. Joan is currently holding the office of treasurer
in Creative Artists, a local organization in
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.